Compression machine

How to do Initial setting in compression machine?

instal punches and dies acc to dimention mentioned in BMR.
Take line clearance.
Add powder in hoopers.
loose hardness and pressure.
Now first adjust weiht acc to BMR im jog mode.
After adjustment of weight Increase pressure to achieve desired hardness and again verify weight.
Now run machine and take sample for Initial parameters.
After go head from IPC start compression


Why need to loose hardness and pressure ?

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Pressure loose is to nulify the previous product presure.
if high pressure is present then for weight adjustment turret may stuck or sudden high presure may demage tooling.
thumb rule is to first adjust weight then hardness.
pressure loose mean not to zero pressure bcz at zero pressure we can not pick tab for weight slight pressure is present.


thnx sir. now can you tell me how to maintain Die punch room?

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die punch room?
you mean tool room?

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punches and dies are stored in specific boxes having on display punch dimensions.
Log book is maintain for storage and issuance.
Record is also mai tai for rejected punches.
Every time punch set is issued/stored in supervision of pharmacist/supervisor.
Log is also main for every punch set to count no of batches compressed on a specific set.


What type of lubricant oil should be apply on idle machine & storage of dies Punch?

food grade

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Why we destroy the tablets of first few rotations before starting the machine for the compression of the batch?

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it may be of variable hardness and weight and may contain grease/oil etc of punches


What are the Equipment’s required to Install the Dies ?

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Die alignment guard
die driving rod

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What are the Different types of Keys in tablet press punches?

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Why the sticking problem is reduced when we polish punches and than again regenerates after few cycles of tabletting ?

polishing make punch tips more clear and smooth after some time if powder stick then punch tip finishing is lost

How is capping problem is related to fines in granules ?