Weighing room requirements

Hello :slight_smile:
I would like to know what are the requirement of a dispensing booth and what are the type of equipment that should be used e.g., Should the balances table be perforated?
Thank you in advance.

Dispensing booth requirements are as follows,

  • Adequate airflow pattern, Air velocity, and Air pressure differentials across HEPA filters
  • Adequate lighting
  • Weighing balances (platform type & others depending upon the weighing range)
  • Adequate space to keep dispensed materials, and original containers, bags
  • Dispensing devices & their storage (outside the dispensing booth)
  • Dispensing devices cleaning room (outside the dispensing booth)
  • Logbooks (for dispensing booth usage, cleaning, etc.)

Perforated platforms are preferred for installing the weighing balances inside the booth. This ensures that the boothโ€™s airflow pattern is not distorted.

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