Vial inspection of vial filled with strongly colored solutions

How can we do visual inspection of vials containing dark or high colored solutions, manually?

you need only inspection of particle so then ampule put front to Light of 700 LUX and look that also be color test by visual

your answer is wrong.

Use the light intensity of visual inspection 2000 to 3750 lux.
you can check fill volume easily but it is difficult to check particles in coloured solution. but you can find some glass particle by shaking the ampoules near ear. if any major glass particles is available in ampoule you can hear the sound of glass particles.


Dear @manojsingh bhai our regular practice as per i mentioned in post. So i confidential for that.

Thank you Manojsingh;
Do you have any GMP document or PDA practical guideline document for these types of strongly colored solutions ?
Thanks in advance

Hi, solankikishan
What is your reference?
Do you have any GMP document or PDA practical guideline document for these types of strongly colored solutions ?
Thank you


Dear @hosseinmgh_pharmaeng bhai reference as per link PFA,

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I advise you to freely register in the following link and ask your question in its forum which is a forum specific to Visual inspection topics

also look inside the documents present in this link (after free registration)


300-500 lux intensity is only for office not for visual inspection hood. in visual inspection hood 2000-3750 lux intensity required.