We have one underground storage tank for Methanol with 24 KL capacity which is taken care by store department.
Now, we installed day tanks outside of production block to transfer the solvent from underground storage tank and same will be used for manufacturing i.e. from day tank. Day tank handling is taken care by production department.
My concern is suppose in day tank, 2000 L solvent is available with lot number 19/01/001 and we have to transfer another 500 L solvent from underground storage tank to day tank having different lot number i.e. 19/01/002. so, can we mixed two different lot number solvent in same day tank? If yes, which lot number is recorded in document after mixing in day tank?
Store department has already analysed the sample from underground storage tank and allotted one new lot number if, two different lot number solvent is mixed.
yes 2 different lot no can be mixed.both lot no will be recorded.