Transport validation

Give some hints about Transport validation?

Some of the very important aspects to be considered during transportation validation are,

  • Temperature mapping of transport vehicle
  • Temperature excursions
  • Mapping of route of transport w r to time duration
  • Loading pattern of unit boxes or containers of pharmaceutical products
  • Effect of weather conditions on storage conditions during transportation
  • Stability characteristics of pharmaceutical products during transportation.

Temp control
Humidity control
Shock protection measure
Route maping
Time to deliver

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Could you please provide shock protection guide, and when ideally it should be conducted?what is the procedure for it…


Highly visible Shock Indicator Labels indicate when a g force impact occurs that can potentially damage products in the transportation chain.
Shock Indicators provide a visual indication that hidden damage may have occurred. When used with alert labels, a Shock Indicator Label reduces the incidence of damage by raising awareness that the package is being monitored.

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Sir is the process of transport validation necessary in pharma company?

The remapping of transportation vehicle will be done annnual or two or three years as warehouses?

The frequency of temperature remapping of transport vehicle depends upon the sensitivity of products to be transported with respect to temperature changes. Generally, it should be done once in two years unless there are no major structural changes done in the vehicle or cooling system inside. It is essential to justify the frequency based on risk assessment.