Rwduction of HVAC frequency regarding

Continuing the discussion from This is regarding the Reduction of Frequency of HVAC when there is no activity:

You mean to say finally there is no guidelines to reduce the frequency right ??

In the WHO guideline which I had referred, it is also specified about "swiching some selected AHUs off at specified intervals, such as overnight, at week ends or for extended periods of time…Moreover the title of this sub section 5.4 is -Switching off air-handling units " which clearly indicates that HVACs can be swiched off under following conditions.

In fact this WHO guideline has clearly specified two options for HVAC functioning apart from normal on-going functioning,

  • Energy-saving modes OR
  • Switch some selected AHUs off at specified intervals, such as overnight, at weekends or for
    extended periods of time.

In any case it is very important to carry out Risk assessment, write SOPs, keep procedures and records for start up and shut down sequence of AHUs and perform validation before taking decision of swiching off of HVACs.
Reference: Annex 2, Guidelines on heating,ventilationandair-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical products (Part2: Interpretation of Guidelines on heating,ventilationand
air-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical products) -TRS 1019 of 2019.

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