Out of calibration instruments

How will i come to to know that since when the instrument was was out of calibration,it may be days or months before we realize that instrument is out of calibration.

You prepare master calibration schedule for all equipment / instrument i.e yearly calibration schedule. From that monthly calibration schedule prepare before starting of the month which inst./ Equip. Comes for calibration based on that u perform calibration. So there is no chance to miss out from calibration schedules. Based on this schedules u know that inst. Crossed the due date.

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  1. Prepare Calibration schedule with adequate tolerance based on critical / non critical preferably in excel file.
  2. As per experience / operation/ criticality, modify frequency.
  3. Adhere to schedule.
    I think this will serve the purpose.

When calibration is performed then a sticker is fixed to the equipment which holds the date on which calibration is performed and next due date of calibration on which calibration is due.

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When calibration is performed the activity is recorded in the calibration format along with date of calibration and due date for calibration.but having a schedule will help in better tracking.