Equation formula for assay of tablets by UV

How can i calculate the assay of tablets by UV method by using specific absorbance ??

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My Dear Assay by UV Formula is below ,

Suppose your Sample Abs - 0.4220
Standard Abs - 0.4162
Std Dilution - 10.55 mg -->100 -->5 ml -->50ml
Spl Dilution - 602.92mg -->100–>5ml -->50 ml
Avg wt - 300
Label claim - 5
Purity Of Std - 97.7%
Calculation Factor - 0.9638

Formula is Sample Absorbance x Standard Dilution x Factor x Average Weight x Purity x100/
Standard Absorbance x Sample Dilution X 100 x Label Claim

% Assay = 0.4220 x 10.55 x 100 x 5 x 50 x 0.9638 x 300 x 97.7 x100/
0.4162 x 100 x 602.92 x 50 x 5 x 100 x 5

% Assay is 100.23%