Deconatamination of used biohezard media

Deconatamination of used biohezard media in microbiology department, Safe disposal.

    1-Use purified water to prepare solution of one of the following:
      2- 5% Sodium hypochlorite
    3-  3% Phenol
    4- 70% Ethyl alcohol or Isopropyl alcohol.
    5- Spray to disinfect the microbial waste by using one of the above solutions in (5.1.2).
  6- Tight the plastic bag well, affix the "BIOLOGICAL HAZARD" label and then   
7- place it inside a disposable yellow plastic drum covered by lid and labeled by "BIOLOGICAL HAZARD" 
8- Transfer the drum to a dedicated biohazard room in scrap yard to be taken by the contractor for incineration.
9- Record the activity as per annexure 
10 - Contractor must provide an incineration certificate which proofs that incineration has been 
        done properly.
11- An alternative method, decontaminate using autoclaving process.
12 - Carry out decontamination by autoclaving process 
13- Dilute the liquid waste to about 1-10 with tap water and discard in the sink drain with  
        running tap water.14-
14- Collect the decontaminated solid waste in a sterilizable bag and disinfect by using one of the following: 5% Sodium hypochlorite, 3% Phenol and 70% Ethyl alcohol or Isopropyl alcohol. 
15 - Make Cycle on the Empty chamber to confirm the Decontamination process and decrease the 

16- a load of microorganisms if it is high.
17-. Decontamination by 5% Sodium hypochlorite, 3% Phenol and Ethyl alcohol or Isopropyl alcohol 70 % .
18- Tight the plastic bag well, affix the “BIOLOGICAL HAZARD” label and transfer to scrap yard at the end of shift.