Congratulations! Pharmaguideline is now a 5000 members community

Pharmaguideline Forum has become a 5000 members community and this is the largest pharmaceutical community in the world.
This forum was started on March 4, 2016, to help pharma professionals by solving problems faced during their profession.
Some members (@manojsingh, @sunilrbudhkar, @Sajjad_Ahmad, @meenakshigupta72, @dushyant3044) are actively contributing and solve problems of other members. This also helps to improve the knowledge of community members.
You can invite your friend to join the community.
System upgrades the trust level of members according to their activity in the forum.
Now 2.8K members have trust level 0
2.2K members have trust level 1
18 members have trust level 2
2 members have trust level 3
Thanks to all members for making this beautiful community.