What is validation master plan flow chart

What is the validation master plan and its flow chart

VMP describe the entire validation of the factory.
It ensures that all pharma equipment, utelities and facilitiesare qualifiedā€¦and maintain validation statusā€¦ progressivenessā€¦
This should include
Site details, details of equipment-QC, Production
All utelitiesā€¦all qualifications activity

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Dear All,

What are the attachment and schedule should be provided with VMP?

Hello , I am new in the field of quality assurance, can someone help me through a pdf or video that explain validation master plan ?
Thank you

Reference: WHO-Annex 3, TRS- 1019-2019
Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation

A manufacturer should have a validation master plan that reflects the key elements of validation. It should be concise and clear and at least contain a reference to/have a short description of the following:
ā–  title page and authorization (approval signatures and dates);
ā–  table of contents;
ā–  abbreviations and glossary;
ā–  validation policy;
ā–  philosophy, intention, and approach to validation;
ā–  roles and responsibilities of relevant personnel;
ā–  resources to ensure that qualification and validation are done;
ā–  outsourced services (selection, qualification, management through the life-cycle);
ā–  scope of qualification and validation;
ā–  documentation required in qualification and validation, such as procedures, certificates, protocols, and reports;
ā–  premises qualification, such as room verification where appropriate;
ā–  qualification of utilities;
ā–  equipment and instrument qualification;
ā–  process validation;
ā–  cleaning validation;
ā–  personnel qualification (such as analyst qualification);
ā–  analytical method validation;
ā–  computerized system validation;
ā–  establishment of acceptance criteria;
ā–  life-cycle management, including retirement policy;
ā–  requalification and revalidation;
ā–  relationship with other quality management elements;
ā–  validation matrix (such as a table indicating the history and status of qualification and validation on-site);
ā–  retention of qualification and validation documentation;
ā–  deviation management;
ā–  change control;
ā–  risk management principles;
ā–  training;
ā–  references.

According to the current GMP, the validation master plan should be reviewed at regular intervals and kept up to date.

PE 009-15 (Annexes), 1 May 2021
The key elements of the site qualification and validation program should be clearly defined and documented in a validation master plan (VMP) or equivalent document.
The VMP or equivalent document should define the qualification/validation system and include or reference information on at least the following:
i. Qualification and Validation policy;
ii. The organizational structure including roles and responsibilities for qualification and validation activities;
iii. Summary of the facilities, equipment, systems, processes on-site and the qualification and validation status;
iv. Change control and deviation management for qualification and validation ;
v. Guidance on developing acceptance criteria;
vi. References to existing documents;
vii. The qualification and validation strategy, including requalification, where applicable.

The attachments to the Validation Master plan (VMP) should be as follows,

  • Validation policy
  • Man & Material movement in the plant (Layout)
  • Validation Master schedule (Manufacturing equipment)
  • Validation Master schedule (QC instruments)
  • Process performance Qualification schedule (Process validation)
  • Cleaning validation schedule
  • Utility validation schedule
  • Analytical Methods validation schedule
    ( Above schedules should also include re-validation and re-qualification schedules)

Thank you so much.

You are always welcome.

@sunilrbudhkar thank you so much ; i appreciate your help

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You are always welcome.