Issuance of questionnaire

What is the issuance procedure of questionnaire of sop to production department for evaluation of should be controlled or uncontrolled.

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If we use controlled questionnaire we can only revise the questionnaire when sop will be revised…so in case of retraining;we will use same questionnaire we can not change the it correct procedure.

To maintain the authenticity of the training evaluation, questionnaires must be controlled.

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Hi Manoj,
Questionnaires can be controlled or serially numbered (if it is part of controlled log) or it cannot have also. but more important is that it should have revision number of current SOP to which it belongs to. moreover training record of that questionnaire should be controlled.
as you referred, whenever the SOP is revised, a training is planned for the changes made into the SOP so you have to revise the questionnaire considering a change to SOP in impact assessment of Change Control.

Issuance and destruction log book of questionnaire should be maintained by QA?if we received 20 controlled copy of questionnaire but we used 18 copy then 2 copy will be returned to Qa for destruction.

Can we use same questionnaire sheet for evaluation after retraining of any sop .

Every SOP training shall be conducted with one training attendance sheet (Formats) along with one training evalaution sheet (template). So, any new training evaluation required, The SOP owner department trainer share current version evalaution sheet ( template) along with training attendance sheet (Formats)

Query :

  1. How we know current version SOP with that of current version evalaution sheet ( template)
    Its SOP owner department trainer resposbility to maintain the current version evalaution sheet(template)
    and when ever required , he/she shall produced required template for training.
    Note : Current version of SOP No is the part of Template (Heeder)- of any SOP evalaution sheet ,which
    is helpful for distingguish between version(s) of SOP.